About me

and what I do

This is me ‘in a nut shell’

Meet Michele and learn about her passion for a healthy lifestyle

I provide programmes that come from my expertise in 3 health & well-being professions. Giving YOU a unique and priceless journey to optimum health. 

Cooking was my first great love and and that love shines through when I do my food demonstrations . I create ‘healthier’ versions of recipes you already  enjoy, plus ones you may not and show you how to recreate them. Most of all have fun doing them. I want to save your precious time with quick, simple, affordable menus. I create the healthiest version of the recipes possible so you can achieve optimum health. 

My personal ethos is to treat each and every client with care, understanding, honesty and most of all listen. My greatest asset as a nurse is to use all these essential communication skills. I want all of my clients to feel unique, positive and happy but most of all be able to achieve anything if given the right support.

As a nutritionist, I look at your health as more than just the food you eat. It’s about the environment we live in. The chemistry of the human body, the mind and body connections, external influences and so much more. I look at each client as a whole then work with them accordingly. That is why I love doing my Monday evening ‘Health Lab’, I cover so many health-related topics. 

My passion for health is what inspires me in these challenging times and I always try to find a positive in any situation. That’s me in a ‘nutshell’.




Get there, and stay there!

Health, in relation to weight, is much more than seeing the scales go down. It is how you get there, staying there, also making it enjoyable, manageable, practical and long term. I personally discovered there is another way to look at health, in addition to what we have at present. Every human being is individual and no one programme fits all.

Through Nutritional Healing and qualifying as a Nutritionist I learnt there is another way to take care of your health. I take an in-depth history analysis and then base that unique analysis around your own personal nutritional regime. Backed up with up to date evidence based research.

I am excited to help restore your health, manage your weight and or related issues so YOU can be the best version of yourself for a long happy healthy life.

– Michele, Member of The Complementary Medical Association

If you would like join either of my life changing programmes call me for your free consultaion. I’d love to help you achieve your weight and health objectives.


Weight Loss

Weight loss is just one positive side effect from my 80/20 programmes. I suggest healthy habits for you to easily fit into your busy life. 

Making YOUR nutrition MY priority.


Lifestyle Management

Take the stress out of food decisions with my personally created tasty, nutritionally packed recipes. I design them with taste at the heart of every meal – your healthy menu is full of delicious and nutritionally nourishing foods that works to compliment you and your lifestyle.


Weight Maintenance

95% of people are guaranteed to lose weight on any diet! Equally, 95% of people will put the weight back on plus more if they go back to their original way of eating. My programmes are designed for a super easy life.

No calorie counting – No fads – No weighing foods – No stress!

Real Results

Custom Plans & Coaching for Your Specific Goals

Within the monthly programme you get personal 1-1 time with me so I’m able to tweak the menus to your lifestyle needs. So YOU get the real results YOU need for a healthier life

Average Weight Loss (lbs) after 2 weeks (Kick-start programme)


Client satisfaction


maintained weight loss

Get in touch!

Email Address


Call Me
07581 438856