Michele Martinez


Weight management and health nutritionist

Group & personal programmes for motivated people who want to achieve optimum health & lose weight.


Eat your way to a healthy balanced weight with delicious, nutritious, colourful, fabulous foods in abundance. No fads, no diets, no stress. Simply follow my Eat.Love.Health 80/20 programmes.


Love the prospect of living a long and healthy life and being able to lower your susceptibility to obesity related illnesses. Things such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, depression, etc.


Health and weight management is much more than numbers on a scale. It’s about taking control of YOUR future. If you provide you body with optimum nutrition it will take care of you. So drop me and email and begin your very own positive EATLOVEHEALTH journey today.

2 Week Health Kick-Start Programme

Detox – Reset – Flourish

Just £98

80/20 Monthly Programme

Fun – Achievable – Long-term

Only £34 per month

Whether you’re taking your first step into the world of health & weight loss or ready to push yourself further, your journey starts here today.

Why come to me?

Do you start a new ‘diet’ every Monday? Has losing weight and keeping it off become a daily battle? Do you feel you have tried everything out there to get to your goal weight but now weigh more than ever? This negative cycle done over many years can also lead to –

  • Diabetes, High BP, Crohn’s, Colitis, IBS, Arthritis, Cancer, Anxiety, Depression, Low Immune System.
  • Plus many more long-term diseases related to weight.

Above was me in a nutshell. I was size 24, did the usual diets, hypnotism, etc, they worked to get the weight off but not stay off. Being vastly overweight I had a multitude of weight-related health issues and felt I had no way out. It was a worrying time but I always had hope.

If you want to achieve optimum health for yourself, then sign up for the introduction Kick-Start Programme. E-mail michele@eatloveheath.com and we can start your health journey together. 

Programme Benefits

  • Glowing Skin 
  • Lower Stress
  • Feel Energised 
  • Weight-loss/Stabilisation 
  • Quality sleep 
  • Mood Boosting 
  • Hormone Balancing 
  • Plus many more! 


– Mahatma Ghandi

I’ve developed fun & realistic methods for a balanced nutrition

You’re not alone. And I’m here to help!

There are so many contradictory messages out there as to what is fuelling our obesity and health crisis. It is my aim to guide you in the right direction to the real health truth is and how to achieve 80/20 balance.

I do this with –

Weekly Personally Written Menus

Weekly Shopping List to save as much family, work, free time as possible.

A minimum of 6 weekly recipes designed by me


“Michele’s 80/20 Eat Live Health Programme has been a joy to be a part of because at its heart the focus is on health and well being. Since participating in the Programme I have been eating a more varied and healthy diet and by implementing the tiny little tweaks that Michele advocates, not only do I feel more whole and healthy and in tune with my body, I have also lost weight too. Thank you Michele for making this journey an endless discovery of how I, as an individual, can eat and live healthily and not feel like I am denying myself anything. “



“Quality or quantity is the biggest thing I’ve learnt from Michele. Great recipes, support and a greater understanding of food balances such as herbs and spices. Some items I’ve never heard of but are now part of my life, even eating food I wouldn’t of entertained. You meet some wonderful people too.”



Frequently Asked Questions

Learn how it works!

Where do I start?

Building a good foundation is key.

Start with the kick start plan, this is your foundation moving forward on to the 80/20 monthly programme.

Will I be on the plan for long?

With both my programmes it is my job is to equip you with health tools for life. The route back to health is never a sprint it is a marathon. It may have taken many years to get to your present concern so it may time to develop optimum health. These are simple, achievable and fun programmes for life.

Who is this really for?

This is for anyone who wants to take back control of their own health in a positive way. Also specialising in bariatric patients, this is perfect for anyone from all walks of life. From absolute beginners to those who want to add to their existing regime.

I have a real interest in bariatric patients

When do the programmes start?

You can start the monthly 80/20 programme at any time. It is a continuous rolling programme, brilliant. 

The Kick-Start Programme will be available on a regular basis. This is so you can get on and achieve positive fast success. Learn new and exciting ways of achieving great health.  Create a solid health foundation, then move onto the long term monthly programme  so you continue achieving optimum health habits for life.

Do I need to be a chef to do the plan?

Not at all! I aim to give you recipes that are easy, simple and fit in to your way of life.

I am new to any kind of food health regime will it work for me?

Starting any new programme can be daunting but with whole level support you can achieve anything. 

So starting with the Kick-Start programme  is the best way to begin a brand new way regime before moving onto the 80/20 monthly programme. If thats what you would feel is best for your future health.

Will the food be boring and dull?

I will always ensure the food and nutrition plan fits your lifestyle and tastebuds. I assure you you will never be bored eating a rainbow of food.

What if I start a programme and need help?

You get access to each specific programme group. This is where you can message your peers and ask anything relevant to the programmes. Im always there for support on the Facebook groups and aim to get back to you as soon as I’m able. We come together as a whole to create support in a positive, friendly environment  you can trust.

Get in touch!

Email Address


Call Me
07581 438856